Cherie Sampson: Artist Residency in Korea

Institute for Korean Studies

Associate Professor of Art and IKS faculty affiliate Cherie Sampson participated in an artist's residency in Gongju, Chungcheongnam-do.  She was hosted by YATOO, Korean Nature Artists Association, dedicated to art works created in outdoor and natural environmental settings.  As part of her residency, Professor Sampson created a project called "Let a Sleeping Bear Lie," based on a local Gongju legend about a "she-bear."  Inspired by traditional Korean mask-making customs, she created a costume and character and performed at the site of a bear shrine nearby for a video-performance work (pictured above) as well as for a live audience at the opening for the artist residency in October 2016.  The mask that she created was gifted to the YATOO Nature Art Center at the end of her residency and is now used in storytelling workshops with children who visit for art-educational programs (pictured above).  The video of Professor Sampson's bear-performance has been playing at the YATOO Nature Arts Center since her visit.